Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I know, I know it's not 1950

There has been a huge theme in my work around marriage these days.  On a Spirit level I need to address that the old format of the 1950's marriage is no longer applicable today. 

Those of us on the planet today made an agreement to come in at the time - the age of Authenticity is how I experience it.  The external places that we came to pretend to feel safe no longer keeps us safe.  Broken families, broken marriages, broken religion for some people, job loss.  We are living in a time so full of intuition that if you don't follow your higher self and get the lessons, the result is far from suddle.  We are called to live in Authenticity once and for all. 

For me this is good news.  Coming from a broken home, created in me, a fear to even think of a family of my own.  After years of healing I felt that I could marry and do it right.  When I met Mr. Right I was just so grateful to have something of my own I took on the patterns of a 1950's wife; quit work, cleaned, cooked, laundry etc, and life appeared great.

However, as I quit being Katie in the name of being married, another symptom showed itself.  When I quit my job to have our daughter I bought a $25 home espresso maker and my husband chastised me for doing so.  I thought I was being amazing because till then I was spending $3.00 a day on my precious coffee.  Then when our daughter was born, my marriage became strained and I saw sides of my husband that I didn't know existed.  I convinced myself that it was normal stress of caring for a beautiful baby.

We then moved to New England after her birth.  Though I kept up my 1950 wifely duties I had suspicion that my husband was looking for connection outside.  I'm not going to go into the details, let's just say that in my marriage - when I stopped being grateful for just being married, and I began practicing living as Katie again - my marriage got better.  And it couldn't be more true today - I am obsessed with being myself and if I'm unsure of what I truly want I'll stop and say, "What do I want to do or experience now."  My husband and children support my life because they know that if I say it - I mean it. And when I mean it - I'm happy and that joy shines back on them.

The 1950's pattern of a healthy life just doesn't fit anymore.  Husbands want to stay home and raise the kids, woman do want to work and bring home a paycheck.  No one's interested in the Marter anymore.  No one appreciates her sacrifice and resentment.  No one really notices when you are being a Marter and not living the life that you want to life.  And no one wants to be blamed for it anymore.

Marriage is more precious then ever because for the first time in recorded history perhaps - we are marrying and staying married because we truly want to be together.  Isn't the truth far sweeter then the illusion of time?

Friday, October 21, 2011

Christmas heart

One of my favorite holiday's is Christmas.  I love the lights, the music, the food, but especially the need and desire to connect with friends and family.  I realize as the years go by that my work is much like the intention of the holidays - taking time to remember that we're all connected, that no matter what state the relationship is in - we love each other and that the illusion of death does not end our love or connection. 

As we turn into the holiday season I urge you to stay connected and speak with your loved one that have crossed over.  For fun ~ ask a specific person to send you a sign, watch and take note.  If you are like me and have held onto a person or a past tradition that went away when your loved one died, be brave and think of how you will celebrate the season with your own style and create a new tradition.  I know it's hard to let go of the past if it was sweet, but be grateful that you had it, and open your mind and your heart to the truth that it's still your time to shine.  Be brave, shine and be joyous.

p.s. If you do not experience a sign from your loved one be patient, some spirits on the other side need practice manipulating the energy in this dimention. Have compassion for both them and yourself. 


Monday, October 3, 2011

I Broke the Tim Burton Code

Ah~ha...I figured it out! 

Like many of you I have adored the  work of Tim Burton on a level that I have not experienced in another director.  His work across the board moves me to the core.  I often wondered if I wanted to be a director and that's why I like him.  Should I draw even though I don't particularly enjoy it?  Should I dress funky and watch old horror movies all the time?  How can I be more like him?  I love his fearlessness.  I love that he makes movies "his way" and everyone knows it when they see his work.  I love that he understand the things that I do: that not all things that "look" nice are, and those things that appear "odd" are often real and wonderful.  I related to Jack the pumpkin king to a tee.  I've lived my life mostly to do what others think I should.  I've been attracted all my life to people that are free to express themselves and fill others lives by doing so.  "How do they do that," I'd say.  What the hell is the code. 

Alas ~ I've discovered it.

From what I can see Tim was an only child and his parents weren't particularly tuned in to him.  He was alone and lonely and if he came out of his room with his hair in a bush, no one was there to say, "go comb your hair."  In other words - no one was there to tell him to do things their way.....His foundation was founded on "doing things on his own and his own way." 

This weekend I was driving and I had the CD "Ask and it is Giving," by Jerry and Ester Hicks playing.  One of the exercises was to visualize that you are a movie director and you get to decide how things will look, how people will act and where the scene will take place.  It's an exercise in stretching your mind to think of what things would look like if "you" were in charge.  And that was it - Tim does a movie and tells everyone who, where and what it will look like.  In the end the movie looks like Tim. 

For those of us that had someone telling us who we should be, what we should look like and where we should live - that practice is beyond difficult.  But it is the key.  As you know I've been obsessed with living authentically, finding out what I like and practicing living everyday "what do I WANT in this moment."  Finally my life is more grand then I ever dreamed possible.  Why - because the dreams I dreamed previous to a large degree were based on what someone dreamed for me and how I would fulfill their dreams for them...

Tim is special because he is one of the few that was free to be himself as a child.  Those of us that put on our social masks first thing in the morning have a difficult time leaving it home in the morning.  But practice, practice leaving that damn mask at home, step into your life in your full glory, and if you don't know what that is - practice.  With every choice of the day practice asking yourself, "do I want this, and how would I do this, how would I wear this, how would I put this."  It will take time, but one day your life will look like you maybe for the first time. 

I love the analogy of being a director.  Let's decided that our lives are the one movie we will make.  Let's decide for ourselves what it will look like. 

I've had to confront family members that say, "well if you love me you'll buy this car or do what I say.: As Byron Katie says in her book, "I need your love, Is that true," that's not love, it's approval.