Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Resentful Self Care

Monday night as I drove to the Northern Colorado Writers Studio for my Ask a Medium event I broke out in laughter.  I was laughing at how resentful I can be when I need help.  I was raised by a grandmother of the depression that didn't ask for help - ever.  She did everything and she did it well.  She didn't have Chiropractic, she didn't get massages and she certainly didn't go to Energy Healers.  Here I was, driving to my event with Crystals filling my pockets.

After my son was born the right side of my body was in pain.  A nerve was pinched in my right shoulder and my back was out of alignment due to carrying my baby in a silly sling that stretched over one side of my body leaving the other side to shudder at attempts in balancing. "Go to a Network Chiropractor", friends urged. 

Mental conversation:

GUIDANCE: Go get some help to align your precious body.
MIND: That costs money...

GUIDANCE: It's ok, you have money.
MIND: That takes time and I have none

GUIDANCE: you have time, there is a husband in that house so use him
MIND: What if he doesn't do it as good as I do

GUIDANCE: they will survive as you care for your body and feel better
MIND: prove it......

October was my first Ask a Medium event.  Though the experience was amazing for me personally, I found on the drive home that I was exhausted and unable to know how I was feeling about anything.  With my in- laws in the door the next day it took me days to recover and realize that I needed help.  "You need Crystals," a voice urged.  "I don't know how to use Crystals," I replied.  Later, I opened an issue of Bella Sparks magazine and came upon Hands Of Spirit Crystal Healing.  I felt resentful that I needed yet another "thing" and person to help me do what I thought I should be able to do myself.  Saturday as I crawled upon Karen's healing table at Hands of Spirit I had a profound realization, I can't do energy work on my own body when it's my own heart that is carrying the pain.  Having Karen hold and move the wounded energy out of my body after the years that I have been processing it with my mind was an experience in love that I'll never forget.

We can resent that we need help and can't do it on our own, but we're not here alone.  We do need each other and it's ok.  The greatest feeling in the world is being good at something and offering it to others to experience.  It's why you're alive and getting to use your gift reaffirms your life.  So the next time you get funny guidance; "learn crystals, grow a garden, go to a psychic, learn how to connect with your Intuition, go to cooking school," remember that the guidance is there to support you.  Let the work horse live in the past and get present with the reality that self care is there to support and protect you from burning out of the things that you love the most. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

That's where I'll be

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I hope you all had an amazing time and I hope you took the time to take in and enjoy all of the things you have to be Thankful for.  In my line of work I have to take a moment everyday and open my eyes to my amazing life right here and now because, as many of you know, life changes all of the time.  And it's our job to see the gratitude and gifts in even the most difficult circumstances.

ASK A MEDIUM:  Be one of the 10 peopole that will be read by me this Monday 6:30-8:00 at the Northern Colorado Writers Studio.  Please visit: to Register.

INTERNET RADIO SHOW: I am privileged to be a guest on the the Sarina Baptista Show Dec. 1st at 10am.  Please visit: for more information.

PSYCHIC RECOVERY WORKSHOP: Please join me Dec. 4th from 1-4 for a workshop just on time for the holidays!  Come experience HOW it is that YOU are intuitive and other fun things like ghost, angels, guides and past lives.  Visit: to register.

WOMEN, WINE AND FOOD: I will be a guest Psychic at a local event for women on Dec. 7th 7-10pm.

Thank you All for the love, encouragement and support through this amazing year.  I look forward to seeing and meeting you at these special events that are closing out 2011.  May next year be even sweater!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Are we?

Today I was reading 21 Lessons of Merlyn.  A book that has traveled with me for the last 15 years.  It's about the Druids, Celts, Ancients.  As I got into pages 20 that familiar irritation over came me as the author recounted comparisons of males vs. females.  Trust me, I spent the first 25 years of my life being a feminist.  Being raised primarily by women will do that to you.  But as the years go by and I no longer live in ignorance - yes I am a woman today, but I've lived on this planet more lives then I can count as a man.  I have possibly more male energy in my cell memory then woman.  I've been everything: a woman, man, old, young, black, white, asian, jewish, christian, buddhist, muslim...Sexism and racism seen under the view of reality of our spirits are pointless. 

I am a mother, wife, sister, daughter in this experience and I am thankful because it all adds to what and who I'll be in the next.

If we remembered that we are all potentially everything - would we have anything to fight about?  Would we at last put an end to illusions such as one sex is better then the other, or that one religion is better then another, or that one time on this planet is better then the time we live in now....?  Could we ever fully let go and enjoy with honor the experience we have chosen to have in this life? 


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A good thing about Psychic Recovery

As the years live by since recovering  my Intuition I find the most amazing thing about it is that I don't notice I'm using it.  It no longer is an obsession to understand what, where, why and how.  As my day goes by and things come up I simply quite my mind, ask, and listen for the answer.  I no longer live with debilitating fear of everything, especially loss.  It's my guidance and I'm the only one who can live it. 

You also have the same guidance system.  You receive it differently then I do - but you have it.  The most precious thing you can give to your life and your families life is to understand how you receive guidance. 

I will provide a Psychic Recovery workshop both in November and December.  And next year I will commit to Meditation Recovery groups, Workshops and events in the promise to be there for you to awaken and understand the gift that is your Intuition.