Sunday, August 7, 2011

Go with your gut


When I first joined a Meditation/Intuitive development group I was terrified.  "What if I'm not.  What if I don't do a good job.  What if I can't do it on command."  I told our host and mentor Debra that I would just quietly watch during my first attendance.  As I sat among 15 people I didn't think that I belonged there.  I sat next to a dark haired woman named Sarina.  She was friendly and spoke to me as we were preparing to begin.  The time came for us to break into groups and "read" each other.  The only thing I wanted to break into was a sweat.  There were four of us including Sarina.  I felt calm in her presence.  Although I told myself that I would not participate only observe, I found that I couldn't keep my mouth shut.  It was my first stranger validation.  I couldn't stop myself.  I was telling people what order of siblings they were and what their relationships were like with their loved ones.  Sarina kept encouraging me and I kept reading and talking.  I left high as a kite that night.  It was my first intentional personal validation of my Psychic abilities.

As the months went by I felt a deep connection to Sarina.  My mind and heart were blown when she did not attend our group for reasons that weren't my business.  I stayed connected to her through coffee's and lunches.  Though I was encouraged to befriend different woman in the group, I stayed close to Sarnia. 

Weeks ago the Bella Sparks magazine was having it's annual Kristy's Big Night out fundraiser.  It's in honor of the loss of Donna and Bob's beloved daughter Kristy that crossed over due to a car accident.  The proceeds go to women in need.  Sarina asked if I could help out and donate my time "reading" for the attendees.  I said "no."  The thought of being among a ton of people in line looking at me scared me to death.  Sarina in her direct but gentle way asked again, "it's for a great cause and you'll have fun,"  she persisted.  "Ok, I'll do it," I said amused at her ability to say the right thing to motivate me. 

I snuck into the Hilton Hotel that warm Friday night.  I asked for our colleague Bobby so she could tell me where to sit and how it all worked.  Sarina marched up to me and told me to sit with her and share the table.  I sat down and a line formed.  I felt alive and fulfilled as I sat with each client.  The information was not crystal clear as it can be when I'm alone with someone.  But the beautiful spirits that sat before me were patient and smiled lovingly.  10:30pm rolled around and Sarina, my hero again, told the line waiting to see me that due to the time, I would not be taking another client.  People gave me the warmest smile as they took my business card and scattered.  I was humbled.  Humbled at the level of love that I felt from everyone that attended and humbled at the joy I feel doing the thing I love.  And again, I would not have had the experience at all if it wasn't for my buddy - Sarina. 

No matter what happens to reationships around you, if you love someone just because you do, honor it.  You never know the amazing places it will take you. 

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful few steps on a journey that is lasting many lifetimes. How fun to have the "success" with your readings.
