Friday, September 16, 2011

Psychic Child: From Fear to Freedom

Boy do I know the fears of seeing a ghost or being paralyzed by a "negative" situation.  I saw ghosts, talked with my passed Grandpa Goerger and knew what was true without having the age of wisdom to understand.  By far the worst thing I dealt with when I was a little girl were cougars.  Around the age of 6 I saw cougars (They looked like Panthers because they were Big Black cats that only appeared in the dark)  that would swarm my bed as I slept and follow me as I was terrified enough to run to my parents room in the middle of the night.  The only thing my mom and dad could say was, "oh honey, it's your imagination.  Don't worry."  But I knew better, they were real and I was terrified.  With both of my parents not seeing them only made it scarier to me.  20 years later I learned that they were there protecting me and helping me come into my own power.  In the other room at age 6 were my parents discussing their inevitable divorce. 

Fast forward 25 years later I am at my son's three year check up.  The Doctor says, "At this age they start to talk about seeing monsters and Ghosts.  Just put some G.I Joe's in the window and they'll be ok."  I smirked and felt irritated at the lack information she has.  Putting G.I Joe's around a child that sees ghosts and other things is as affective as putting that G.I Joe in front of a speaker with music coming out and expecting the music to stop.  Ghost, spirits and animals are a real thing.  Not all people see them but that doesn't mean they are not there.  Just as we cannot see (thank God) the hundreds of radio, TV, cell phone signals that surround us in every moment.  If we have the proper equipment i.e. stereo, cell phone, TV, we can "tune in" to that signal and receive the information.  That is what Psychic Children are doing.  They have trained their soul through many life times of work to be able to "Tune Into" the natural dimensions that surround us.  Remember - it's natural and since it's natural - you/they have nothing to fear. 

I have many clients worried for their Psychic Children and trust me, with more information and better tools and knowledge in your hands, there is NOTHING to fear.  I will get a few You Tube video's up on my website with tools that have changed my life as a Psychic Medium.  I didn't become fearless until I was 30 years old, but I assure you with a few steps you can relieve any anxiety around spirit.

This is so simple it seems like a cliche.  And though I rolled my eyes at the first few personal attempts - it works.

The #1 thing you can do is ask the Angels to "surround and protect you, your children and your home."

#2 Set boundaries within your home and property declaring that "only guides and angles are allowed to be IN your home at all times." 

#3 Ask that any and all harmful energies or beings be taken outside immediately.

#4 Do it daily - why not.  I do it every single night before bed and I can communicate with my Angles and Guides, but I still do it every single night because we accumulate energies throughout the day.  Also, it helps you get comfortable setting healthy boundaries in your life and stay connected to these beautiful beings that are with you, protecting you.

To all of those non- Medium parents out there, please do these steps for your children.  They (and you) deserve to have peace while in their own homes and it's not their job's to help out every Tom, Dick and Harry spirit that wants to talk to them...

Remember, there is nothing to fear.  I promise....

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