Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"I've traveled oceans of time to find you" ~ Frances Ford Coppela's Dracula

"I've traveled Oceans of time to find you" ~ Dracula

I love this line.  This line has stuck with me since I first heard it nearly 20 years ago.  I loved how he remembers his true love no matter the years and the horrors his life has lived through.  I love that in a single moment of seeing her he remembers the tenderness of his one love and everything fades to the back ground.  Only she exists. 

As the years go by and my interests change, I see this line as a symbol of reality.  The reality that on our soul level, we remember.  I'm reminded of it when I see three people that I met over 10 years ago still to this day know me more then my own family.  I'm reminded of it when I was in New York 10 years ago for three days and three separate families took me in as their own and to this day are still close to me.  I'm reminded of it when a culture or an accent fills my body with the comfort of a warm cookie. 

It explains why when I was a little girl, I thought I was a 10 year old Russian girl with long straight brown hair.  It explains why so people may find you repulsive while you shower them with love.  They remember.

Years ago, I joined a gym.  The first day of my arrival a man came around me and my body became alive with energy.  It didn't matter what time I arrived at the gym, morning or evening, he would be walking in and out at the very same time.  One day, as a joke, I said to him as we hit the door at the same time and noticed that we were parked next to each other, "I'll see you tomorrow."  "Scary isn't it," he replied.  Months of this wore on me with confusion.  One day while in meditation I asked, "who is this guy and why are we so connected?"  "His name is Robert.  You've had many past lives together,"  my guides replied.  I thought maybe that was his name in a former life, noted it in my journal and carried on.  The next day at the gym I was standing buy the water fountain when a guy yelled out to THAT GUY, "Hey Robert!"  I was in shock, his name in this life was the very name my guides gave me ~ Robert.  I now understood the connection which I found fascinating, but as the months of connecting with him on the road as I drove, at the gym and discovered that he lived in my neighborhood, it became a little much for me.  A colleague told me to "cut the cords" between us and ask that all past life energy and patterns be healed and returned.  With some thought I did just that and a week later I knew he had left the gym entirely.  It was confirmed a few days later by a friend. 

You never know when you'll meet someone in your life now that you've loved many times before or whom you've had relationships with that are more complex, but I assure you each and everyone of us has this experience.  Seeing someone that there is so much energy between the two of you you think you'll explode.  It doesn't mean you should leave your husband or wife, it means that the soul remembers, and for that, it should be respected.  And if it's too much and you're brave, ask your guides to cut the cords and heal all energies between the two of you so that life can go on.....

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