Friday, October 21, 2011

Christmas heart

One of my favorite holiday's is Christmas.  I love the lights, the music, the food, but especially the need and desire to connect with friends and family.  I realize as the years go by that my work is much like the intention of the holidays - taking time to remember that we're all connected, that no matter what state the relationship is in - we love each other and that the illusion of death does not end our love or connection. 

As we turn into the holiday season I urge you to stay connected and speak with your loved one that have crossed over.  For fun ~ ask a specific person to send you a sign, watch and take note.  If you are like me and have held onto a person or a past tradition that went away when your loved one died, be brave and think of how you will celebrate the season with your own style and create a new tradition.  I know it's hard to let go of the past if it was sweet, but be grateful that you had it, and open your mind and your heart to the truth that it's still your time to shine.  Be brave, shine and be joyous.

p.s. If you do not experience a sign from your loved one be patient, some spirits on the other side need practice manipulating the energy in this dimention. Have compassion for both them and yourself. 



  1. What a wonderful thought, Katie. Christmas meant a lot to my family when we were kids, but now that most of the parents and grandparents are gone, and a few of my generation too, it sometimes seems they took the joy with them. You've given me something to think about.

  2. Thank you for your comment Pat! I know that I'm not alone on this Holiday journey. Even being a Medium and knowing that they are still among us doesn't take away the work of recreating the energy and joy that their life gave me. But you and I are still here and it's magnificent. Let's do something great this holiday with the other people in our lives that are here too. I'll check in with you after the holidays and hear how you made it your own!
