Excuse my absence. I've gone through more changes the last month then a Broadway dancer. The biggest being "homeschooling." I've been wanting to sit and blog over the last month and all I have to show for it is scraps of lost paper with 5 to 6 topics I got passionate about. Life hits and poof, the scraps are gone right along with my brain.....
I'd like to talk about homeschooling and how that's blown my mind....But it seems our dear Sylvia Plath gets my attention tonight.
I don't know why she gets first pick at my brain returning after a month of education, but here we go....
Three weeks ago, I for some reason clicked my Direct TV button onto a movie that simply said, "Sylvia." I was tired and delirious and waiting to get the energy just to go to bed. Something stopped me. In my surrender "Sylvia," starring Gwenyth Paltro began. 'Oh, this must be about Sylvia Plath,' I thought. An hour into the movie I was sitting straight up like a soldier at boot camp. I yelled a few curses at the screen as I pleaded with Sylvia to wake up to her intuition. "Wake up, you don't have to do it," I cried.
As many of you may know Sylvia Plath's husband was a philanderer. He looked her dead in the eye, told her she was crazy and too sensitive. I have a feeling she knew it the first time she saw him. But like so many of us, she assumed that she was the problem, and hoped her intuition wasn't right.
From the movie's portrayal she knew exactly what was going on Intuitively. He didn't have to be doing it in front of her for her to read the energy of what he was doing, and will being doing and with who....I lamented that she did not have a teacher or support to understand her precious Psychic abilities. It literally could have saved her life...She could have trusted her intuition so much that she would never have given her heart to a man unable to respect it. She could have avoided sharing the miracle of children with someone more interest in him self.
I feel that many people that commit suicide are extremely Psychic people that pick up on a million pieces of information, don't know what to do with it other then internalize it and watch it turn against them. Life is full of people telling us Psychics, "you're just too sensitive." I was no exception to the rule.
It brought me back to the horror's of dating life. Sitting at dinner with a boyfriend and watching the string of Psychic information overwhelm me to the point of anger that I could hardly say a word. One boyfriend actually told me, "well I'm an artist, I have to look at people." Mean while he'd stick my head in the corner so I couldn't see a thing.
That's why understanding how Psychic I was, and realizing HOW it works in me has saved my life. Now if something makes me uncomfortable I know that I can ask a guide to affirm or explain what I feel, remote view to "see" what's really going on or, I've found a love and a value for myself that I now know that no matter what someone else chooses to do, I'll be OK....
Dear Sylvia wasn't too sensitive, she was Psychic. As I read the words of her poetry it is clear that she attempted to put words to thought, feeling and emotions that often are.....unseen
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