Monday, June 13, 2011

Hip hurt and loving it

Saturday I woke up with the most unbearable pain.  My right hip wouldn't allow me to bend without bringing tears to my eyes.  I went on a run Friday night and as I was a mile into my three mile run I felt a pop in my right thigh.  I couldn't move.  I didn't have my cell phone to call my husband - so I did what I had to do - drag my leg home.  I felt like a wounded animal, so obvious with a gimp.

When I realized Saturday morning that I wouldn't be able to eat a Blizzard and tell myself that I'd run it off later - I knew I had to do something different.  When I went into the kitchen to get an Advil, I saw the grains that I had been soaking to make my very first batch of Rejuvilac and Raw Cashew Cheese.  It was the perfect day to do a Living Greens day.  I put green powder into my water and set out on making my concoctions.  I'm happy to report that my Rejuvilac turned out perfect which in turn made my nut cheese turn out perfect.  Nut cheese is: 2 cups Rejuvilac, 2 cups raw cashews and a scoop of coconut oil, blend and refrigerate and 'vola, an amazing raw cheese. 

I'm glad that my hip hurt long enough to slow me down so that I could prepare new and exciting things.  It's been three days of "living foods" and my sugar and cheese addictions feel like a memory.  Well almost....

Simple, simple, simple.....

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