Thursday, June 9, 2011

Swing of Things

Good June to you.  It's been a while since I've sat with a full thought having now two children home all day.  I had hopes of this precious Summer with my babes, and yet at week two I feel haggard.  My son won't take naps anymore and my daughter asks, "what are we doing, where are we going, can I have a Popsicle, can I go swimming," ever 5 minutes.  Though a schedule is on paper it feels like nothing more then a map to the Holy Grail.  It all looks good but has anyone ever touched it.  It is touchable or is it a divine symbol.  So far, my schedule remains a map to what could be....

On happy notes I have committed to writing my first book.  The book is a biographical story detailing the major confirmation of my Intuitive abilities growing up.  It is of course about Peter Steel of Type O Negative.  How I knew I would meet him (and marry him,) how I moved from Montana to New York City, met, and started dating him having only been in New York a week.  It's the tale of how it ended, how I reacted and how he came for a visit back to me after he passed away in 2010. The process has been difficult, liberating, joyous and sad.  It's a healing journey and I'm grateful to take it.  Particularly because I have the most stable, loving husband and children that allow me to go back to those memories without an ounce of "what if."  If there was a "what if" I wouldn't have the blessings of a devoted husband and happy children that I Have...

Also, I am going to stop being selfish and fear full and begin my first teaching series on Intuition.  The three part Series will cover all three of the Clair's, have an exercise on How it works followed by a meditation.  July 11th, 18th and 25th at the Living Arts Wellness Center.

And finally, I have had my first Ozone Treatment which is a cozy steaming machine that circulates Ozone throughout the sauna.  It kills cancer cells and oxygenates our body's.  I loved the feeling of the treatment and my skin looks pure and clean. 

And second finally, I took a writing class from Susan Alt at the local writing association.  It's focus was on getting the usless words out of our sentences.  I have a useless word addiction so I (and you) benefited from it greatly.  Also - though I haven't actually read any of his novel's, I did pick up Steven Kings book, "On Writing," which is one of the best books that I've ever read.  I have tremendous respect for his respect for the craft of writing...I couldn't put the book down..

If you have any comments or suggestions of more books on writing please share!

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